If you would like to find out more about whats in the bill, go to: http://www.opencongress.org/bill/111-h2454/show . There is a lot of good stuff in this act and some real incentives to encourage the reduction of carbon emissions and waste', and to invest in energy efficiency and renewable energy.
Although this act was passed, it only passed by 7 votes out of the 434 votes. We at Go Green Mug sent letters to our congressmen encouraging them to enact strong environmental laws and we know that our letters and thousands like them are needed to ensure our elected officials don't let us down.

The vote now will pass on to the Senate. Once again the vote may hang in the balance. We can influence our Senators decisions by sending them letters and letting them know that we support these proposals and that it will help make the country, energy independent and the planet more habitable. If you want to write letters to your Senator, the easiest way to do it is through an online petition site such as the Care2 Petition Site. On sites such as this and others, you don't need to come up with the words to write, you can put your name an a well written letter that will be emailed in your name. Easy but effective.
For now we will celebrate this passage of strong environmentally friendly act and look forward to this proposal becoming law in the very near future.
Have a great week and reduce your waste.