According to many knowledgeable sources though, now is the time to invest. Warren Buffet (investing guru of Berkshire Hathaway) is buying shares, home prices are depressed and interest rates are low and car dealerships have great deals.
Maybe now is the right time for us to get a new fuel efficient car. Fuel efficiency is not the only criteria for a cleaner vehicle though, but for most of us finding out what is important and how a car rates environmentally is difficult.
A new law took effect on January 1st 2009 in which all new vehicles manufactured after the

The Global Warming score is calculated on the greenhouse gas emissions, based on a CO2 equivalent grams per mile. The Smog score calculates the pollutant elements from the vehicle which include non-methane organic gases and nitrogen oxides. These scores are also calculated relative to other vehicles within the same model year. So think of these scores as a sliding scale test.
Battery Electric cars of course get the best scores as well as requiring zero fuel and score 10 for both the smog and global warming. The average new car sold in California has a score of 5 for both. You can get more information on the Environmental Performance label at http://www.driveclean.ca.gov/ep_label.php
California Governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger has been a strong advocate of raising emissions and fuel efficiency standards in California for some time and now President Obama has backed California's strict policies. California wants automakers to build cars that can get an average of 40 miles per gallon by 2020, while federal requirements are asking for 35 miles per gallon.
So there are a few ways we can evaluate the environmental effect of the new car we want to buy. We will look out for the Environmental Performance label and will aim to get a car with great smog and global warming scores. We will look at fuel economy and try to match or beat California's 2020 efficiency standard of 40 mpg. Finally we will make sure we have a cup holder for a GoGreenMug.
Speaking of mugs, remember to let us know about the coffee shops you visit and the discounts they offer you for bringing in your own mug. If you have not done so already also sign up to our cause on Facebook http://apps.facebook.com/causes/196342?m=fa5edc14&recruiter_id=35111682 so that we can build a community and put some pressure on the large chain coffee shops to offer better incentives for using a reusable mug.
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